
Self-Defense Classes in Vancouver

Let's Get Started!

The best in self-defense that Vancouver has to offer.

With almost two-hundred martial art styles in existence discovering which one feels right for you can be intimidating. There are many options available within the city from Taekwondo to Krav Maga that all claim to be the most effective for real-world self-defense. Without a pre-existing bank of knowledge about the art it can be difficult to parse the differences between any of them or know what you are even looking for.

Unfortunately, many academies, dojos and gyms provide training that gives you a false sense of self-confidence which negatively affects your own ability to defend yourself ultimately making you more prone to attacks.

At scale our classes are shifting the concept everyday folks have around self-defense.

Our Self-Defense Classes

In a real-life self-defense situation, being able to subdue your attacker(s) as quickly as possible is priority number one. Achieving this in mere seconds is game-changing and within your reach!

Aliveness is the edge that other gyms are missing and that can only be learned at Straight Blast Gym. For over 20 years Matt Thornton and the entire SBG team have been talking about this key component which takes demonstration to actual practice.

Why self-defense is right for you

Everyone here at Straight Blast Gym is helping Vancouver:

  • Maintain control throughout an altercation
  • Hone powerful strikes from all positions
  • Possess a clear mind in high-stress situations
  • Keep a sharp awareness of your surroundings

How To Get Started in Vancouver's Best Self-Defense Program

Experience the effectiveness of our training methods yourself by taking the first step today!

You have the opportunity to learn the best in real-world self-defense and build total-body strength. Our self-defense classes in Vancouver are suitable to every experience level whether this is your first time in a martial arts environment, or you are practiced in the arts. Fill out the brief form below and learn more about all we have to offer at Straight Blast Gym and utilize our 45 Day Free Trial offer!